
Feeding those in need.

Corona Virus Update regarding Thursday night meals.

Wapak Loaves and Fishes has resumed preparing carry out meals only until further notice. Meals can be ordered by calling 567-204-6708, if leaving a message, please give name, phone number and number of meals needed. Meals need to be picked up between 4:00PM – 5:30PM Thursday. Meal pick up is at First English Church, rear alley entrance off of Blackhoof St. As you pull up a person will take your name, number of meals being picked up and return to hand them to you.

You will not be getting out of your vehicle.

NEED MEALS, no transportation? Please call the above number, leave name, address, phone number, meals needed, and DELIVERY NEEDED.


A Christ-Centered ministry…
A time to gather…
Fellowship… Music…
Hospitality… Good food…

Come and join us at

First English Lutheran Church
(Corner of Blackhoof & Mechanic)

Next to the Library
Entrance at rear of the church
Parking is available behind the church on the street

Please do not park in the library parking lot.

Every Thursday
4:00 PM to 5:30 PM